Question on Iterations

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Apr 20, 2017
Gary Robinson agent wrote
User question received today.

"When I’m running various iterations of a model (let’s saying Categorical Binning Yes/No and Numeric Binning Yes/No) there are 4 iterations. However, I can’t analyze each iteration separately. For example there are 4 iterations, with different numeric lifts. However, if I want to explore the model coefficients for the 4 iterations, I can’t. I am only left to look at iteration 2. I also couldn’t (for example) choose to put version 1.2.4 into production. I could only put version 1.2.2 into production. Is this because LityxIQ has determined that iteration 2 is the best, so it won’t let me see 1, 3, and 4? Or am I missing a way to look at these iterations?
1 Answer
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Apr 20, 2017
Gary Robinson agent wrote
The question is solved in the Model Build Settings, Output tab and changing the second option from "automatically build just the best model" to "build all models for review".