General Topics

What are all of the date formats available?

Is there a listing of what date formats can be used in LityxIQ?

How can I get back the consol window information?

When running a process (i.e. joining or aggregating files in data manager), if I log off or the LityxIQ session times out or refreshes for whatever reason, I notice the console clears. If the process is still running, is there a way to “bring it back” and see where you are in the processing cycle?

What if dataset does not contain performance for all dimension levels?

If you don't have results for all levels of all dimensions can you still run OptimizeIQ? Could it pick the best from what results exist for or even better recommend a combination that we don’t have results for – like a fractional factorial matrix where you use predicted estimates to fill in the missing cells?

Lityx FTPS Zipped Files

Can zipped files be used with LityxIQ?

Is the use of a filter inclusive or exclusive?

So am I choosing criteria to filter out or filter in? For example if I want to filter out all instances where a field is NULL what would I do?

How do I get the console window information from a previous job?

When running a process (i.e. joining or aggregating files in data manager), if I log off or the LityxIQ session times out or refreshes for whatever reason, I notice the console clears. If the process is still running, is there a way to “bring it back” and see where you are in the processing cycle?