Lift vs. Numeric Lift what is the difference?

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Aug 18, 2014
Lityx agent wrote
Building a revenue model and I see that Lift 1 over random =3.2 so decile 1 is 3.2 higher than the random. However, Numeric 1 vs 10 is only 2.83 -- what is numeric 1 vs 10 -- would expect it to be decile 1 vs decile 10, but of course it would be higher than 2.83 if that was the case.
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Aug 18, 2014
Lityx agent wrote
“Lift” is different than “Numeric Lift” so you can’t really compare them directly like that. For a continuous dependent variable, numeric lift measures incremental lift based on the average value of the dependent variable. E.g., if the true average Bid in the 1st decile was 25 and the true average Bid in the 10th decile was 4, then the Numeric Lift 1vs10 would be 25/4=6.25. In the case of a continuous dependent variable, “Lift” is measured as it would be for a binary variable, but that binary variable is created such that the Top 25% of values are called “responders” and rest are “non-responders”.