After a dataset has been created and the data loaded, the raw data it contains can be browsed at any time. Simply select the dataset in the Available Datasets list, and click Browse Data in the Selected Dataset menu (or right click the dataset and click Browse Data from the right click menu).
The data browser window will open. The options available in the browser are explained below. When finished browsing, click the X in the upper right corner of the browser window. Other options and ways to use the browser are explained below.
1. Sorting and Filtering - The headings are the names of the variables in the dataset.
- Clicking a column header will sort the data by that column. The Caret
is an indicator that the data is sorted by that column.
- Re-clicking the same column header will re-sort it in the opposite direction. Clicking a third time will remove the sort on that column.
- Clicking on a second column header will use that column as a secondary sort to break ties. You can continue with additional sorting columns as needed.
- If the column name is too long to show fully in the header of the browser window, you can hover on the column name to see the full header.
- You can also drag the columns to be smaller or wider using standard drag operations on the column vertical line dividers.
- If you want to move a column to another position in the browser view, you can click and hold on the column name and drag it left or right using standard dragging operations.
To filter a column, hover on the column and you will see the icon appear. Clicking this icon will show a menu that allows you to filter the data shown in the browser. The options shown will depend on whether the column is a string or date variable or a numeric variable. Examples of both options are shown below.
- For string or date variables (with a small number of possible values), you will see a listing of those values. You can check or uncheck the values you would like to filter on. You can also select the option to show NULL values, or all values that are NOT NULL.
- For numeric variables, you will have the option of filtering the data based on the value in the field, such as "less than 3" or "equal to 15". You can also add an additional "or" or "and" condition for a more complex filter.
Example for string fields:
Example for numeric fields:
2. The browser only shows a subset of the rows in the dataset at once. This area shows which rows are currently loaded.
3. The scroll bars can be used to horizontally scroll over to see additional fields, and to vertically scroll to view additional records on the page.
4. The Actions button contains additional options working with the browser.
- Refresh will refresh the view.
- Resize Columns will attempt to resize the columns to a more optimal view.
- Reset Columns will undo any options set in the Select Columns option described below.
- Select Columns allows you to select just a subset of columns to be shown, or to drag/drop to re-order the columns. This can be helpful for large datasets where you want to focus on just a few columns.
- Export Page exports the currently displayed page of data to your browser for you to save locally on your machine.
5. The total number of rows for the dataset is shown in the top right corner.
6. The browser window can be made smaller or larger by dragging out on the edges of the window. The data will re-display using the full space.