Login and Logout

Forgotten Password / Lost Password

If you have forgotten or lost your LityxIQ password, you may reset it by using the 'Forgot Password' link on the login screen. This will open up a password reset dialog. On this screen, enter your username and confirm that you are not a robot by checking the box. If you enter the information correctly, you will be notified that an email will be sent to your email account on record. It will provide a new password which you can use on the login screen, and which you should change up...


You can signout/logout of LityxIQ by simply clicking the logout icon at the top of the LityxIQ interface: In addition, as a security measure, you will be automatically logged out of LityxIQ if you have not had any activity (moving the mouse, clicking links) for a period of time determined by your system administrator.

Login Issues

If you receive an error while logging into LityxIQ, the issue may be due to one of the following: - You have entered the wrong username or password. - You have entered the wrong username or password too often. As a security measure, LityxIQ will lock you out of the platform for 24 hours in this situation. To have this lockout removed, please contact support. - You are already logged into LityxIQ under the same username. In this case, check any other LityxIQ browser windows you may have ...

Logging In

To log in to LityxIQ, you must first have been provided with a login website address, a username, and an initial password. If you are missing any of this information, please contact your system administrator or LityxIQ support. To log in, please follow the following steps: 1) Open your browser and enter the website address into the address or location bar. Typically, the address will look like: https://companyname.lityxiq.com where "companyname" is your company name. If successful, you should...