1. Model Approval & Production
First step is to approve and implement a production model version for the predictive model. See the article https://support.lityxiq.com/396887-Approving-and-Implementing-a-Model for how to approve and implement the model version you want to use for scoring.
2. Scoring Catalog
The second step is to ensure you have setup an appropriate scoring catalog to hold the scores. The catalog must be set to use primary keys that match the dataset you will be scoring. If you do not already have a scoring catalog setup, see https://support.lityxiq.com/182622-Creating-a-Scoring-Catalog to set one up before continuing.
3. Create Scoring Job
Now you have to create and setup a scoring job. This is where you will connect a model to a dataset, and ultimately to a scoring catalog where scores will be stored.
See https://support.lityxiq.com/906477-Creating-a-Scoring-Job for creating a scoring job and https://support.lityxiq.com/089598-Editing-Scoring-Job-Settings for how to edit the settings.
4. Manually Run or (optionally) Automate the Scoring Job
Once setup, a scoring job can be run at any time manually (see https://support.lityxiq.com/967160-Executing-a-Scoring-Job), or set to run automatically (see https://support.lityxiq.com/126245-SchedulingAutomating-a-Scoring-Job). Automating the scoring job will ensure it always runs when the underlying dataset is refreshed.
5. View and (optionally) Export Scores
When the scoring job finishes executing, the scoring catalog will be populated with the results. You will likely want to at least view the scores or possibly export them for use in other applications.
- View Scores - see https://support.lityxiq.com/962221-Viewing-a-Scores-in-a-Scoring-Catalog
- Export Scores - this process takes advantage of the fact that the scoring catalog is simply a LityxIQ dataset than can be found in the Scoring Catalogs dataset library. See https://support.lityxiq.com/002683-Export-a-Dataset---Settings for information on how to create settings to export a dataset, and https://support.lityxiq.com/877898-Executing-or-Scheduling-a-Dataset-Export for how to schedule the export or automate it. You can also automate the process of exporting a dataset to have a completely closed loop scoring process automation.