Defining New Fields for a Derived Dataset

The New Fields area of a derived dataset in LityxIQ allows you to add new fields (also called "variables" or "features") to the dataset.  The functionality is very robust, allowing for creating simple new variables such as the sum or ratio of two others, or complex variables that do things such as search/replace text or figure out the day of week from a date variable.

After opening the settings dialog for the derived dataset (see, follow these steps to define any new fields to be created.  It is not required that a derived dataset have any new fields defined.

If the New Fields panel is not already opened, click on that panel header to open it.  If new fields have already been defined for this view, as in the example below, you will see a list of all fields currently defined.  Note that the order that these appear in the list is intelligently figured out by LityxIQ, so that variables that build upon each other are shown in order top to bottom.  Fields with code errors will be shown in red, with an explanation of the error provided as well.

  • Create New Field Button - click this to create a brand new variable in the dataset.  See for more information on using the new field editing window.
  • Create New Aggregation Field Button - click this button to create new Aggregation Fields in the dataset.  See for more information on creating new aggregation fields, and see for an overview of aggregation fields.
  • Copy Selected and Paste Buttons - if you want to copy multiple new field definitions from one dataset to another (or even within the same dataset), you can use the checkboxes to the left of new fields to select those you wish to copy.  Then click the Copy Selected button.  Then click Paste in the New Fields area within the dataset you wish to paste these definitions (including the same dataset if you wish).  Note that if the pasted fields have names or definitions that overlap with fields that already exist in the dataset, errors will be generated and shown, and you will be required to make those definitions consistent with what is already defined for that dataset.


Icons - Edit | Copy | Delete

Each new field listed will have three options available:

Important - as noted above, the ordering of the new fields listed is automatically and intelligently figured out by LityxIQ.  New fields that rely on prior new fields are automatically shown under the new field they reference.