Follow the steps below to edit a dashboard. If you just created a new dashboard, you can proceed directly to Step 3.
1) Click the Dashboards link within Insight.
2) If you have already created the dashboard, it will show up among a list of Dashboards available to you. The options you have available for each dashboard will be shown. To edit a dashboard, click the Edit link.
3) The Edit Dashboard dialog will appear. It contains two tabs: Dashboard Tabs and Settings. These are explained below.
Dashboard Tabs
- A dashboard can have one or more tabs associated with it. When a user views the dashboard, they will be able to switch between those tabs. The tabs themselves can have different layouts and different charts in order to show a variety of results. The tabs currently defined in this dashboard are shown here. If you have multiple tabs, you can drag/drop them to re-order them.
- The
series of icons are actions that can be performed on an individual tab. Left to right, they are (a) Edit the tab layout and charts ; (b) modify the tab's title; and (c) delete the tab. See for help editing the layout and charts contained on a tab.
- The New Tab button is used to add a new tab to the dashboard. After clicking the button, you will be asked to name the tab. Click OK and it will be added as the last tab in the dashboard.
Settings Tab
- Use Default Aspect Ratio - click this checkbox to have the dashboard always display itself based on the screen dimensions of the end-user who is viewing the dashboard. This is the default setting.
- Aspect Ratio Width - this box only appears if the Use Default Aspect Ratio checkbox is not checked. Use this to set the ratio of width to height for which you would like the dashboard to always appear. For example, setting to 1.25 would have the dashboard have a width 25% greater than its height. Note that the actual size of the dashboard will still be determined by the user's screen dimensions.
- Line Width - use this to set the width of the lines separating the different components of the dashboard layout. Use 0 to not have separating lines.
- Save Settings button - you must click this button to save any changes to the settings made on this tab.