Managing Dashboards

You can view and manage dashboards for which you have been granted permissions.  To see all dashboards to which you have permission and manage them, follow these steps:

1) Click the Dashboards link in Insight.

2) You will be shown all dashboards available to you along with a preview if available.  For each dashboard you will be provided a list of links for actions you can perform.  These are described below.  If you do not see an action, it is not available to you.  You can speak with your system administrator to ensure you have permissions.

Edit - This link brings you to the Edit Dashboard dialog described here:

View - View the dashboard.

Change Name/Description - Allows you to change the name and description of this dashboard.

Publish/Unpublish - A published dashboard can be Unpublished, and vice versa.  Publishing a dashboard makes it available to others for viewing.  More is explained here:

Share - This opens the Sharing dialog which allows you to share a link with other users, even those who are not LityxIQ users.

Set Editing Permissions - This link allows you to set permissions for users and groups that are allowed to edit this dashboard.

Set Viewing Permissions - This allows you to set permissions for users and groups that are allowed to view the dashboard (once published).