An optimization result catalog is a special dataset where the results of implemented scenarios are stored. They are created initially by the user, as will be described here, and updated with new data by Implementation Jobs. The variables placed in an Optimization Result Catalog are one variable for each optimization dimension, and a variable representing the optimization result (e.g., a 1 or 0 if it was a binary optimization problem). One row is placed into the catalog for each row in the dataset that was used for optimization. The Implementation Job settings control other options for how data is placed into the catalog. More information on implementation jobs can be found here:
To create a Result Catalog, first go to the Result Catalogs area within Optimize:
A list of all existing result catalogs will be displayed. To create a new one, simply click the Create New Catalog button, and give the catalog a name and optional description.
If you select an existing catalog from the list, the Selected Catalog menu or the right click menu will show options to change the name/description, browse the data in the catalog, or deactivate the catalog.
Note that deactivating the catalog is the first step to delete it entirely. Select a deactivated catalog to then delete it (or re-activate it) through the Selected Catalog menu.
Once created, a result catalog is a dataset, and can be found in the special "Optimization Catalogs" library in the Data Manager. It can be used like any other dataset. For example, it can be joined to other data, or aggregated, filtered, etc., through standard techniques for Derived Datasets.