There are two primary means to review the details of the results of an optimization scenario. First, to be clear, the "detailed results" refer to the optimal values that were determined for the Output Variable, for every row in the scenario's dataset (or, also stated as, for every unique value of the scenario's Dimension Variable).
Method 1
Within Optimize, select the scenario from the scenario list, click the Selected Scenario drop down button, and then select Scenario Analysis -> Detailed Output.
This will open a window that provides a detailed view of the scenario's dataset, and includes the optimal result in the column named in the Output Label section of the scenario's settings. You can browse, sort, and filter similar to browsing a dataset, as described here:
Note that this will show the result specifically for the most recently run scenario version.
Method 2
Each optimization scenario automatically outputs its detailed outputs to a standard LityxIQ dataset that is available within Data Manager. All such datasets can be found in an automatically created and managed dataset library named "Optimization Outputs". Each dataset in the library relates to an Optimization scenario, and is given a name that is the same as the scenario's name, with the additional string " - Outputs" appended.
This dataset maintains a history of detailed output for the scenario over multiple versions that have been run. It is created with two automatically created columns named "Scenario Output" and "Scenario Version". These can be used to analyze detailed results for old versions that have been run. Note that it is a dataset just like any other LityxIQ dataset, meaning that it can be used as an incoming or join dataset within a Derived Dataset definition.
Below is an example of finding the detailed output dataset related to the scenario in the above example: