Titles and Labels Settings in Insight

Many Insight methods provide a way to add custom titling and labeling, and in some cases coloring, to the visual output.  This article will describe the available options.  Note that not all Insight methods provide the same set of options.

Title - The title of the Insight, placed at the top of a chart, graph, or tabular output.  A default title is created if left blank.

Subtitle - If provided, it is shown under the title in smaller font.  In some cases, a default is used if left blank.

X-Axis Label - If provided, it is the label for the horizontal axis of a chart or graph.  A default is used if left blank.

Y-Axis Label - If provided, it is the label for the vertical axis of a chart or graph.  A default is used if left blank. 

Footnote - If provided, it is placed in small font at the bottom of the chart or graph window.  No default is used unless the options described below are used.

Include Filter in Footnote - If checked, the footnote will include the filter that was defined, making it easy for someone viewing the chart to understand the data involved.

Include Date in Footnote - If checked, the footnote will include the date and time.

Coloring Method - Charts and graphs that use color to differentiate will use a default coloring scheme by default.  These options provide more control over colors on the chart.

  • Use Predefined Scheme - with this setting, you can choose from a variety of color palettes provided in the Color Scheme dropdown list.
  • Color Gradient - this setting allows you to set a "start" and "end" color using the Gradient Start and Gradient End options that become available, and colors used in the chart will be selected along a gradient between these colors. 
  • Enter Color Codes - Manually set a custom series of colors to be used when creating the chart. In the Color Codes box that becomes available, enter the colors as rgb hex codes with each preceded by the pound (#) sign and separated with commas. Example: #ff0000,#00ff00,#0000ff provides the color codes for "red", "green", and "blue".

Remember, not all of these options are available for all Insight types.